Custom Splash Pages – Lead Capture Page Funnel


Experts have shown that it often takes 7 or more ad exposures before prospective customers actually make a purchase. With our Custom Splash Pages & autoresponder follow ups, your opt-in prospects will automatically receive your message the essential seven or more times over a period of days, weeks, and even months when they request important information from you.

Woman - Lead Capture

A lead capture page is a small one page website that allows your visitor to enter their contact information to request more information on your product or opportunity.

Instead of having your visitor search through your entire website reading through pages and pages of information a lead capture page is designed to be simple yet deliver a very direct message about your business opportunity or products. A lead capture page also allows you to collect each interested prospect information. From there you can follow up with them with an autoresponder series of messages which will highly increase your rate of signups & sales.

We Provide Custom Splash Pages & autoresponder follow up systems. Our system allows you to choose one of our various custom splash pages (300+). With our system you also receive a built in 13 series autoresponder follow up system that will build your prospects trust in you & your opportunity. You now have a virtually unlimited opportunity to advertise to your now “opt in”.

Never be in the dark about what advertising methods work best. We have made it easy for you to setup ad campaigns so you can see which campaign is delivering the best results. You can also see detailed statistics about who is visiting your pages and what type of conversion ratio your capture page has.


Custom Splash Pages Monthly – Custom Splash Pages – Monthly, Custom Splash Pages Monthly – Custom Splash Pages – Yearly, Custom Splash Pages Monthly – Custom Splash Pages – Lifetime

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